World Furniture Outlook 2016 | Seminar Agenda

Status and Forecasts for the Global Furniture Market presented by CSIL at the 55th edition of Salone del Mobile.Milano
Seminar Agenda (Click to download)
MILAN, April 4th, 2016, According to CSIL, leading Italian independent research centre headquartered in Milan, the global furniture market is worth around USD 400 billion (apparent consumption at production prices). Consumption growth forecast for the year 2017 is about 2% in real terms with higher increases in Asia and North America, modest growth in Europe and a decrease in furniture consumption in South America.
Identifying market opportunities and implementing effective strategies in the global furniture scenario is a prominent issue for many companies and institutional bodies.
CSIL, as part of a consolidated programme of international Workshops, is pleased to share results of its market research activity at the ‘World Furniture Outlook Seminar’ (15th edition, Wednesday April 13th 2016, Milan Fairgrounds Congress Centre) to be held during the Milan International Furniture Fair Salone del Mobile.Milano.
Every year participants have the opportunity to meet CSIL experts providing an overview of the status of the industry as well as introducing CSIL market forecasts for the coming years.
A panel of institutional and corporate key speakers from different countries comments on the current and expected developments in the furniture sector, providing insights for the main countries and geographical areas.
Focus of the 2016 edition: Global development in the upholstered furniture market.
Since over 35 years of activity CSIL has been studying the furniture and furnishings industry in more than 70 countries worldwide, gathering unique knowledge and experience with the diagnosis and design of business and cluster development strategies and the analysis of competitive approaches to international markets. CSIL’s team of experts supply private companies, policy makers and public institutions with custom made innovative solutions and services ‘on demand’ based on a multidisciplinary approach, using both desk and field analysis, and taking benefits from a worldwide network of associated partners and correspondents.
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Source: CSIL, Centre for Industrial Studies
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