Aprile 2011,
XI Ed. ,
76 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English
Codice report: W10.CA
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download
Indici dei contenuti
CSIL Market Research Canada Furniture Outlook is part of the Country Furniture Outlook Series, covering at present 70 countries.
Each Country Report contains updated furniture statistics, tables, graphs and illustrated maps and information collected through interviews with top furniture companies and industry experts.
Summary: Highlights of this Report
An executive summary The Key Facts of the Furniture Industry, provides:
- furniture industry overview,
- performance of the furniture market
- prospects for the coming years for furniture market
The report contains all the main furniture statistics and indicators necessary to analyze the furniture market
From the supply side:
- Productive Factors (sawnwood, wood-based panels, forest resources, woodworking machinery)
- Furniture Production by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture) and
by geographical regions or areas of the country
From the market side:
- Demand Determinants (population, households, building permits and residencial buildings, international tourism)
- Furniture Consumption – by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture) and by area
This research also considers the international trading activity (see Furniture Imports and Furniture Exports)
Tables and graphs illustrate
- countries of destination/origin of furniture
- furniture trade by segment (upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, parts of furniture, parts of seats) and by country/area
- world comparisons of the imports/consumption and exports/production ratios, placing all the statistics in a broader context.
Further enriches the analysis (see Furniture Market Potential)
- Economic Environment forecasts
- Furniture market forecasts
- CSIL’s assessment of market potential (size of the market, performance, furniture consumer spending, market openness, import penetration)
- a cross-country comparison (see Annex: Country Rankings)
Where are the top furniture companies, what do they do?
55 short profiles of manufacturers and retailers operating in the country are provided (see Major Furniture Companies ), and international Furniture Fairs, Furniture Association and Professional Furniture magazines are listed in Sector fairs, Press and Institutional Bodies
Aziende selezionate
Dorel, Haworth, IKEA Canada, Kitchen Craft Cabinetry, Palliser Furniture, Teknion, Walmart Canada
Canada Furniture imports
Million US$
Canada is an important player in the international furniture industry. It is a big and open market and a large producer, although slow growing. CSIL ranks the country as the 9th largest furniture producer and consumer at world level. In recent years the rapid growth of imports and the decline in exports have turned Canada into a net importer of furniture. Nevertheless Canada remains among the top ten exporters of furniture worldwide.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Canada. The Key Facts of the Furniture Industry
Canada. Furniture Market Potential
Furniture market profile (size of the market, performance, furniture consumer spending, market openness, import penetration)
Furniture market forecasts (furniture consumption, real growth rates 2011-2012)
America. Furniture market forecasts, 2011
Canada. Business Climate
Business climate rankings
- Among the other indicators: starting a business, enforcing contracts, paying taxes, registering property
Selected business climate indicators
- Among the other indicators: time required to build a warehouse, logistic performance index
Canada. Demand Determinants
Households and urban population, population by province
Main cities
Housing starts and dwelling by type
International tourism
Canada. Furniture Consumption
Per capita furniture spending in Canada compared to the average level for the High Income countries. Ratio (%)
Furniture consumption by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture)
Furniture consumption. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Canada. Furniture Imports and Exports
Furniture import and exports, imports/consumption and exports/production ratio
Furniture imports and exports. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Main countries of origin-destination of furniture imports- exports
Furniture imports-exports by geographical area of origin-destination
Furniture imports and exports by segment
- Upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, furniture n.e.c.
Canada. Sector Fairs, Press and Institutional Bodies
Canada. Productive Factors
Consumption of sawnwood and wood-based panels
Forest resources and distribution of land
Imports of wood-based panels, sawnwood and woodworking machinery
Top 15 countries consumers of sawnwood and wood-based panels
Canada. Furniture Production
Furniture production by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture)
Furniture production growth performance. World comparison
Furniture production. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Canada. Top Furniture Companies
Location of top furniture companies
55 short company profiles
Canada. Annexes
Canada. Country Rankings
Among the other indicators: country attractiveness, per capita furniture spending, furniture growth rates, furniture market openness
Canada. Socio-Economic Data
Macroeconomic Trends, exchange rates, value added breakdown, labour market indicators, investment and human capital
Canada. Furniture Data
Production, exports, imports and consumption: Absolute values and year on year variations
Furniture Market Forecasts: Year on year variations
CSIL Market Research Canada Furniture Outlook is part of the Country Furniture Outlook Series, covering at present 70 countries.
Each Country Report contains updated furniture statistics, tables, graphs and illustrated maps and information collected through interviews with top furniture companies and industry experts.
Summary: Highlights of this Report
An executive summary The Key Facts of the Furniture Industry, provides:
- furniture industry overview,
- performance of the furniture market
- prospects for the coming years for furniture market
The report contains all the main furniture statistics and indicators necessary to analyze the furniture market
From the supply side:
- Productive Factors (sawnwood, wood-based panels, forest resources, woodworking machinery)
- Furniture Production by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture) and
by geographical regions or areas of the country
From the market side:
- Demand Determinants (population, households, building permits and residencial buildings, international tourism)
- Furniture Consumption – by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture) and by area
This research also considers the international trading activity (see Furniture Imports and Furniture Exports)
Tables and graphs illustrate
- countries of destination/origin of furniture
- furniture trade by segment (upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, parts of furniture, parts of seats) and by country/area
- world comparisons of the imports/consumption and exports/production ratios, placing all the statistics in a broader context.
Further enriches the analysis (see Furniture Market Potential)
- Economic Environment forecasts
- Furniture market forecasts
- CSIL’s assessment of market potential (size of the market, performance, furniture consumer spending, market openness, import penetration)
- a cross-country comparison (see Annex: Country Rankings)
Where are the top furniture companies, what do they do?
55 short profiles of manufacturers and retailers operating in the country are provided (see Major Furniture Companies ), and international Furniture Fairs, Furniture Association and Professional Furniture magazines are listed in Sector fairs, Press and Institutional Bodies
Canada Furniture imports
Million US$
Canada is an important player in the international furniture industry. It is a big and open market and a large producer, although slow growing. CSIL ranks the country as the 9th largest furniture producer and consumer at world level. In recent years the rapid growth of imports and the decline in exports have turned Canada into a net importer of furniture. Nevertheless Canada remains among the top ten exporters of furniture worldwide.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Canada. The Key Facts of the Furniture Industry
Canada. Furniture Market Potential
Furniture market profile (size of the market, performance, furniture consumer spending, market openness, import penetration)
Furniture market forecasts (furniture consumption, real growth rates 2011-2012)
America. Furniture market forecasts, 2011
Canada. Business Climate
Business climate rankings
- Among the other indicators: starting a business, enforcing contracts, paying taxes, registering property
Selected business climate indicators
- Among the other indicators: time required to build a warehouse, logistic performance index
Canada. Demand Determinants
Households and urban population, population by province
Main cities
Housing starts and dwelling by type
International tourism
Canada. Furniture Consumption
Per capita furniture spending in Canada compared to the average level for the High Income countries. Ratio (%)
Furniture consumption by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture)
Furniture consumption. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Canada. Furniture Imports and Exports
Furniture import and exports, imports/consumption and exports/production ratio
Furniture imports and exports. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Main countries of origin-destination of furniture imports- exports
Furniture imports-exports by geographical area of origin-destination
Furniture imports and exports by segment
- Upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, furniture n.e.c.
Canada. Sector Fairs, Press and Institutional Bodies
Canada. Productive Factors
Consumption of sawnwood and wood-based panels
Forest resources and distribution of land
Imports of wood-based panels, sawnwood and woodworking machinery
Top 15 countries consumers of sawnwood and wood-based panels
Canada. Furniture Production
Furniture production by segment (upholstered furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture)
Furniture production growth performance. World comparison
Furniture production. Comparison with the aggregate for High Income countries
Canada. Top Furniture Companies
Location of top furniture companies
55 short company profiles
Canada. Annexes
Canada. Country Rankings
Among the other indicators: country attractiveness, per capita furniture spending, furniture growth rates, furniture market openness
Canada. Socio-Economic Data
Macroeconomic Trends, exchange rates, value added breakdown, labour market indicators, investment and human capital
Canada. Furniture Data
Production, exports, imports and consumption: Absolute values and year on year variations
Furniture Market Forecasts: Year on year variations
United Kingdom Furniture Outlook (English)
Gennaio 2025,
XXIX Ed. ,
28 pagine
L'industria del mobile nel Regno Unito
Analisi del mercato del mobile nel Regno Unito, dimensione e tendenze di produzione e consumo di mobili, importazioni ed esportazioni di mobili. Principali aziende dell’industria del mobile nel Regno Unito. Determinanti della domanda, potenziale di mercato e prospettive future per il mercato del mobile.
The furniture industry in Europe (English)
Gennaio 2025,
XI Ed. ,
539 pagine
L'industria del mobile in Europa
Analisi dell’industria del mobile in Europa con tendenze storiche, dati attuali e previsioni di mercato. Produzione, dimensioni del mercato del mobile e commercio internazionale del mobile in Europa; sfide che interessano l’industria del mobile e la competitività dei produttori; i principali produttori di mobili in Europa; potenzialità del mercato; approfondimenti sullo sviluppo; dati per segmento. Analisi approfondita di 30 paesi. Sono incluse oltre 2400 aziende con brevi profili.
Top 200 furniture manufacturers worldwide (English)
Novembre 2024,
XIII Ed. ,
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Top 200 produttori di mobili nel mondo
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World Furniture Outlook 2025 (English)
Novembre 2024,
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World furniture outlook 2025
Analisi del settore mondiale del mobile con dati sulle tendenze del mercato, serie storiche di dati di base (produzione, consumo, importazioni, esportazioni di mobili dal 2015 al 2024), indicatori macroeconomici e prospettive di mercato per gli anni 2025 e 2026, evidenziando le dinamiche per area e fornendo dati per 100 paesi.
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