The world market for Horticultural Lighting

Il mercato mondiale dell'illuminazione per l'orticoltura

Illuminazione | Settembre 2021


Settembre 2021, I Ed. , 80 pagine
Prezzo (licenza per singolo utente): EUR 1600 / USD 1680
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S85
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

The aim of the Report “ The world market for Horticultural Lighting” is to better understand the global market for horticultural lighting, its competitive landscape, and the new opportunities arising from the growth of the agritech business.

Horticulture lighting is a technology that stimulates photosynthesis in plants by emitting suitable wavelength. The scope of the analysis includes different types of horticulture lighting installations: Top lighting, Vertical farming, Interlighting (intracanopy lighting). These lighting systems playing several roles in plant growth: supplemental lighting, photoperiodic lighting, and sole-source lighting.

The analysis has been based on a mixed methodology, combining primary and secondary research:

  • Desk research. The desk research will include available data from CSIL database; web surfing; balance-sheets and related international databases; collected statistics (Eurostat, IMF, World Bank, etc).
  • Field analysis. Direct interviews with industry testimonials.

The geographical classification is as follows:

  • North America: United States and Canada.
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela.
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium (including Luxembourg), Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
  • CSI countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
  • Asia-Pacific: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
  • Middle East: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates.
  • Rest of the world: remaining countries.

The Report provides estimates 2018-2020 and forecasts 2021-2023 of Total and LED-based consumption of horticultural lighting fixtures at global level and broken down by geographical area.

The horticultural lighting fixtures demand is broken down by Light Source (Conventional and LED) and by Application (Greenhouses, Indoor and Vertical Farming, and Others, which include R&D, animal barns, and aquaculture). The Cannabis business encompasses both the Greenhouse segment and the Indoor and vertical farming segment, therefore is treated as a separate section. The Distribution Channels and Reference Prices are examined. The Technological Evolution of the horticultural lighting industry is provided by analysing Intellectual Property (IP) applications

The competitive system analyses the main companies active in the horticultural lighting fixtures market are reported with data on sales, market shares, and short company profiles.

The main Market Drivers (food demand and population dynamics, climate change and weather uncertainty, and cannabis legislation evolution) together with the Other Players operating in the agritech industry complete the study.

Aziende selezionate

ABC Lights, Aessense grows, Ardatovskiy Lighting Plant (ASTZ), Aurea Lighting, Barron Lighting Group , Bios – Biological Innovation and Optimization Systems, LLC, BL Trade (Boos Lighting Group) , California LightWorks, Candidus, Cree Inc, Current powered by GE, DN Lighting Co Ltd – DNL, EVE Lighting Co Ltd, Everlight Electronics Co Ltd, Fagerhult Belysning AB, Faros Group, Fiberli, Fohse Inc., Fluence by Osram, Signify


  • Horticultural lighting is one of the fastest growing markets in the lighting industry today. Between 2018 and 2020, while the total lighting fixtures market dropped at an average rate of 3% per year, the horticultural business kept increasing at a CAGR of 30%. CSIL estimates that the sector will reach US$ 1.8 billion by 2023.
  • The advent of LED technology has emerged to have a leg of a few years compared to the general market, but it has been catching up fast. Its share has passed from less than 47% (2018) to 94% (2023). 
  • The largest regional market is Asia Pacific, followed by North America and Europe. Asia Pacific and CSI countries are the ones expecting to report the fastest growth between 2020 and 2023. 
  • In term of applications, in 2020 the global market for horticultural market can be broken down in descendent order in: greenhouse, cannabis, indoor and vertical farming and research.
  • The market is quite concentrated among the largest players. The top 10 largest players in CSIL sample hold a cumulative market share of over 50%. Signify is by far the leading player with a market share of 14%, followed Fluence by Osram and Gavita.


Contents of the Report; Definitions; Methodological notes


World. Total and horticultural lighting market by geographic area, 2018-2020 estimates and 2021-2023 forecasts


World. LED Horticultural lighting. Market estimates 2018-2020 and forecast 2021-2023 (in value and as a share of the total)

World. Total horticultural lighting market broken down by application, 2020-2023 (in value and as a share of the total)

World. A list of greenhouses, indoor and vertical farmers, research institutions and their lighting partners.

World. A list of Cannabis cultivators and their lighting partners

World. Horticultural lighting. Reference prices, 2021.

World. IP family applications, 2000-2020


World. Horticultural lighting fixtures sales and market shares of 40 among the leading companies

Short profiles of additional players grouped in North America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific


Market drivers (Food demand: population dynamics, Climate change and weather uncertainty, Cannabis legislation evolution)

World Population, total (2000-2100) and broken down by geographic area (2000-2050) and by urban vs rural (2000-2050)

World. Annual global surface temperature, 1850-2100.

World and USA. Map of cannabis legality

Main players of the agritech business (Component Technology, Production Growing Systems, Growers) 

The aim of the Report “ The world market for Horticultural Lighting” is to better understand the global market for horticultural lighting, its competitive landscape, and the new opportunities arising from the growth of the agritech business.

Horticulture lighting is a technology that stimulates photosynthesis in plants by emitting suitable wavelength. The scope of the analysis includes different types of horticulture lighting installations: Top lighting, Vertical farming, Interlighting (intracanopy lighting). These lighting systems playing several roles in plant growth: supplemental lighting, photoperiodic lighting, and sole-source lighting.

The analysis has been based on a mixed methodology, combining primary and secondary research:

  • Desk research. The desk research will include available data from CSIL database; web surfing; balance-sheets and related international databases; collected statistics (Eurostat, IMF, World Bank, etc).
  • Field analysis. Direct interviews with industry testimonials.

The geographical classification is as follows:

  • North America: United States and Canada.
  • Latin America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela.
  • Europe: Austria, Belgium (including Luxembourg), Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom.
  • CSI countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, and Ukraine.
  • Asia-Pacific: Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam.
  • Middle East: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates.
  • Rest of the world: remaining countries.

The Report provides estimates 2018-2020 and forecasts 2021-2023 of Total and LED-based consumption of horticultural lighting fixtures at global level and broken down by geographical area.

The horticultural lighting fixtures demand is broken down by Light Source (Conventional and LED) and by Application (Greenhouses, Indoor and Vertical Farming, and Others, which include R&D, animal barns, and aquaculture). The Cannabis business encompasses both the Greenhouse segment and the Indoor and vertical farming segment, therefore is treated as a separate section. The Distribution Channels and Reference Prices are examined. The Technological Evolution of the horticultural lighting industry is provided by analysing Intellectual Property (IP) applications

The competitive system analyses the main companies active in the horticultural lighting fixtures market are reported with data on sales, market shares, and short company profiles.

The main Market Drivers (food demand and population dynamics, climate change and weather uncertainty, and cannabis legislation evolution) together with the Other Players operating in the agritech industry complete the study.


  • Horticultural lighting is one of the fastest growing markets in the lighting industry today. Between 2018 and 2020, while the total lighting fixtures market dropped at an average rate of 3% per year, the horticultural business kept increasing at a CAGR of 30%. CSIL estimates that the sector will reach US$ 1.8 billion by 2023.
  • The advent of LED technology has emerged to have a leg of a few years compared to the general market, but it has been catching up fast. Its share has passed from less than 47% (2018) to 94% (2023). 
  • The largest regional market is Asia Pacific, followed by North America and Europe. Asia Pacific and CSI countries are the ones expecting to report the fastest growth between 2020 and 2023. 
  • In term of applications, in 2020 the global market for horticultural market can be broken down in descendent order in: greenhouse, cannabis, indoor and vertical farming and research.
  • The market is quite concentrated among the largest players. The top 10 largest players in CSIL sample hold a cumulative market share of over 50%. Signify is by far the leading player with a market share of 14%, followed Fluence by Osram and Gavita.


Contents of the Report; Definitions; Methodological notes


World. Total and horticultural lighting market by geographic area, 2018-2020 estimates and 2021-2023 forecasts


World. LED Horticultural lighting. Market estimates 2018-2020 and forecast 2021-2023 (in value and as a share of the total)

World. Total horticultural lighting market broken down by application, 2020-2023 (in value and as a share of the total)

World. A list of greenhouses, indoor and vertical farmers, research institutions and their lighting partners.

World. A list of Cannabis cultivators and their lighting partners

World. Horticultural lighting. Reference prices, 2021.

World. IP family applications, 2000-2020


World. Horticultural lighting fixtures sales and market shares of 40 among the leading companies

Short profiles of additional players grouped in North America, EMEA, and Asia Pacific


Market drivers (Food demand: population dynamics, Climate change and weather uncertainty, Cannabis legislation evolution)

World Population, total (2000-2100) and broken down by geographic area (2000-2050) and by urban vs rural (2000-2050)

World. Annual global surface temperature, 1850-2100.

World and USA. Map of cannabis legality

Main players of the agritech business (Component Technology, Production Growing Systems, Growers) 



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