Beds & Mattresses
CSIL analyses the global mattress sector through a series of studies providing basic data, international trade of mattresses, market forecasts, key country data, mattress production breakdown by material, challenges and trends, rankings and sales data of the leading mattress manufacturers. CSIL also focuses on the e-commerce incidence in the global mattress market and the bed bases industry in specific countries.
The world mattress industry
July 2024, XXI Ed., 426 pages
A detailed and up-to-date analysis of the global mattress industry, with data on production, consumption, international trade, consumption forecasts, and trends such as e-commerce and sustainability. The report also provides detailed profiles of the world’s leading mattress manufacturers and their strategies. Analysis of key indicators with time series is provided for 50 countries, with a focus and more details on the mattress industry and the major producing companies for the top 20 countries.
Top 100 mattress specialist retailers in Europe
November 2023, I Ed., 14 pages
A bird’s eye view of players in the European mattress market with a ranking of the 100 leading mattress specialist retailers in Europe.
Top 100 mattress manufacturers in China
October 2023, I Ed., 15 pages
A bird’s eye view of the Chinese Mattress industry competitive landscape with ranking of the 100 leading manufacturers of this segment.
E-commerce in the mattress industry
September 2023, V Ed., 102 pages
Detailed analysis of the global e-commerce mattress markets with a focus on North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific. Features of the online mattress business, the current incidence of online mattress sales by geographical areas and in key countries, the major markets, e-commerce mattress sales of the leading retailers by area, and company profiles of top players operating in the online mattress sector.
Top 100 mattress manufacturers in the World
September 2023, II Ed., 15 pages
Who are the top mattress manufacturers in the world? This study gives a picture of the global mattress competitive system through the analysis of the leading 100 producers benchmarking their performance and the whole sector concentration.
Il mercato dei materassi e delle reti in Italia (Italian)
February 2021, I Ed., 47 pages
A detailed analysis of the mattress and the bed base market in Italy: basic data to 2020, consumption forecasts up to 2022, competitive system of the respective sectors, with company profiles, production of mattresses by material, production of bed bases by material and type. The analysis of e-commerce for mattresses in Italy is also included.
The mattress market in China
November 2019, VI Ed., 116 pages
In-depth overview of the mattress sector in China providing historical trends and current status of the Chinese mattress production, consumption, imports and exports. Market size and forecasts, supply structure and distribution system analysis, competitive system analysis, with profiles of largest manufacturers operating in the Chinese mattress market, around 250 considered companies among which producers, suppliers and retailers.
Mattress distribution in France, Germany, Italy and UK
May 2011, I Ed., 147 pages
This report contains an overview of the mattress retail industry in four leading European markets, with basic data production, consumption, imports, exports, focusing on the distribution channels for mattresses in each country, their developments and differences