December 2017, IX Ed. , 45 pages
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Language: English

Report code: W07KW
Publisher: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Table of contents

CSIL Market Research report Kuwait Furniture Outlook is part of the CSIL Country Furniture Outlook Series, at present covering 100 countries.

The report analyses the furniture market in Kuwait through the main demand determinants, furniture consumption and per capita furniture spending.

It includes figures for furniture production (by geographical region or area of the country) and illustrates the international trading activities (imports and exports of furniture) with tables and graphs for:

  • Countries of destination/origin of furniture;
  • Furniture trade by segment (upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, parts of furniture, parts of seats) and by country/area;
  • World comparison of the imports/consumption and exports/production ratios, placing all the statistics in a broader context.

Further analysis (market potential and business climate):

  • Prospects for the furniture industry;
  • Assessments of market potential;
  • How easy it is to do business in the country;
  • Cross-country comparisons.

Who are the top players in the area? The report provides information (name, activity, product portfolio and website) for over 30 manufacturers and distributors operating in Kuwait and a description of the competitive system. International furniture fairs and professional furniture magazines are also indicated.

Selected companies

AAW Showroom, Abyat, Alghanim Industries, Chateau Royal, Dia Behbehani Trading & Contracting, Nahar Al Kuwait

Kuwait.Furniture imports by area of origin, 2013. % values

kuwait furniture imports

Abstract of Table of Contents

Kuwait. Economic Overview

Kuwait. Furniture Market Potential
Market outline and furniture consumption
Economic environment. Furniture market forecasts 2017-2019

Kuwait. Business Climate
Business climate rankings and selected indicators

Kuwait. Demand Determinants
Among the indicators: population, demographic profile, construction, tourism and hospitality

Kuwait. Furniture Consumption
Total and per capita furniture consumption 2007-2016, comparing Kuwait with the GCC region and World
Furniture consumption trends

Kuwait. Furniture Imports
Furniture imports and furniture consumption

  • Imports/consumption ratio
  • Origin of furniture imports

Furniture imports by segment (Upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, other furniture)

Kuwait. Sector Fairs and Press

Kuwait. Furniture production
Furniture production, 2007-2016

Kuwait. Furniture Exports
Furniture exports and furniture production

  • Export/production ratio

Destination of furniture exports (main countries, areas, segments)

Kuwait. Competitive System
Competitive system description
Selected leading furniture companies

Kuwait. Annexes
Country Rankings
Socio-Economic Data
Furniture Data
Furniture Imports

  • By product
  • By country and by geographical area (for upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, other furniture, furniture parts).

Methodological notes and presentation conventions

CSIL Market Research report Kuwait Furniture Outlook is part of the CSIL Country Furniture Outlook Series, at present covering 100 countries.

The report analyses the furniture market in Kuwait through the main demand determinants, furniture consumption and per capita furniture spending.

It includes figures for furniture production (by geographical region or area of the country) and illustrates the international trading activities (imports and exports of furniture) with tables and graphs for:

  • Countries of destination/origin of furniture;
  • Furniture trade by segment (upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, parts of furniture, parts of seats) and by country/area;
  • World comparison of the imports/consumption and exports/production ratios, placing all the statistics in a broader context.

Further analysis (market potential and business climate):

  • Prospects for the furniture industry;
  • Assessments of market potential;
  • How easy it is to do business in the country;
  • Cross-country comparisons.

Who are the top players in the area? The report provides information (name, activity, product portfolio and website) for over 30 manufacturers and distributors operating in Kuwait and a description of the competitive system. International furniture fairs and professional furniture magazines are also indicated.

Kuwait.Furniture imports by area of origin, 2013. % values

kuwait furniture imports

Abstract of Table of Contents

Kuwait. Economic Overview

Kuwait. Furniture Market Potential
Market outline and furniture consumption
Economic environment. Furniture market forecasts 2017-2019

Kuwait. Business Climate
Business climate rankings and selected indicators

Kuwait. Demand Determinants
Among the indicators: population, demographic profile, construction, tourism and hospitality

Kuwait. Furniture Consumption
Total and per capita furniture consumption 2007-2016, comparing Kuwait with the GCC region and World
Furniture consumption trends

Kuwait. Furniture Imports
Furniture imports and furniture consumption

  • Imports/consumption ratio
  • Origin of furniture imports

Furniture imports by segment (Upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, other furniture)

Kuwait. Sector Fairs and Press

Kuwait. Furniture production
Furniture production, 2007-2016

Kuwait. Furniture Exports
Furniture exports and furniture production

  • Export/production ratio

Destination of furniture exports (main countries, areas, segments)

Kuwait. Competitive System
Competitive system description
Selected leading furniture companies

Kuwait. Annexes
Country Rankings
Socio-Economic Data
Furniture Data
Furniture Imports

  • By product
  • By country and by geographical area (for upholstered furniture, non-upholstered seats, bedroom furniture, kitchen furniture, office furniture, other furniture, furniture parts).

Methodological notes and presentation conventions


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