May 2018, XXIII Ed. , 452 pages
For multiple/corporate license prices please contact us
Language: English

Report code: EU05
Publisher: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Table of contents

The study “Sofa market in Europe” analyses the upholstered furniture market in 30 European countries providing data on production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture and an analysis of both the competitive system and the supply structure. Company information and business performances for the top European furniture manufacturers in the sofa segment are included.

The report also provides short term forecasts for upholstered furniture production and consumption.

This edition has broadened for the first time an analysis of the upholstered furniture market to 30 European countries and for the second time, contains a focus on the Recliner sofas industry.

This Report is the result of :

– over 200 direct interviews with leading upholstery companies and key testimonials, conducted both via an online survey and face-to-face interviews.

– processing of macroeconomic and sector statistics from 2012 to 2017, extending also to 2018-2019 forecasts macroeconomic indicators

– analysis of sector documentation from CSIL’s databases, which were created in 1980 and have been updated annually.

– 2018-2019 production and consumption forecasts are the result of CSIL econometric model. Adjustments have been then taken on the basis of the interviews with panel of experts and operators in the segment

The report is structured as follows:

  • An executive summary provides a complete and detailed presentation of the upholstered furniture sector in Europe, looking at market trends and structure and at the competitive system with an independent assessment of the sector’s performance and prospects for the coming years.
  • Chapter I Basic data. Production, consumption and trade, providing an overview of the European upholstered furniture industry and market through updated statistics and through tables, graphs and maps for Europe as a whole and for each country. The data are given both in value and in volume.
  • Chapter II The competitive system for European sofas provides rankings of the top European sofa manufacturers, company shares of total upholstery production, breakdown of company turnover by product specialization, plant location, employees, major European sofa exporters. The chapter also provides detailed profiles of 15 of the top European furniture players.
  • Chapter III European sofa supply offers an analysis of the types of products manufactured by European upholstered furniture manufacturers, with tables and information on the actors operating in each segment: by price range (economic, middle, upper), covering material (leather, fabric, other materials including artificial leather) and destination (residential/contract).
  • Chapter IV The recliner sofa industry in Europe focuses on the motion/recliner upholstered furniture industry in Europe, by estimating the European production in this segment by country and investigating the main characteristics of the supply, type of mechanisms (manual – power), number of seats (sofas – chairs), covering materials, and price. Tables show the main European players’ shares of motion supply, short profiles of the main extra-European manufacturers in the segment are also provided, along with a list of suppliers of recliner mechanisms.
  • Chapter V Analysis by country, a report is provided for each upholstered furniture producing country detailing: country ranking at world and European level, basic segment data 2012-2017, data for production and consumption in value and volume, imports and exports by country and geographical area. For the major European countries, the chapter offers an analysis of the type of products manufactured by European upholstered furniture firms, with tables and information on the actors operating in each segment: price range (economic, middle, upper), covering material (leather, fabric, other materials including artificial leather), destination (residential/contract); the report provides a supply structure analysis (price range, covering material, residential/contract) and motion/stationary distinction and a ranking of the major local sofa manufacturers by upholstered furniture turnover.
  • Annex Directories of the manufacturing companies mentioned provide full contact information for each company mentioned in this Report.

Countries covered: Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Selected companies

3C Gruppe, Ada Möbelfabrik, Comforty, DFS, Ekornes , Himolla, Natuzzi , Polipol Group , Poltrona Frau, Poltronesofà, Roche Bobois, Steinhoff Möbel

Europe. Upholstered furniture production, 2017. Million EUR


In 2017, the European upholstered furniture production amounted to around Eur 14.5 billion. Since 2012, the European upholstered furniture production grew by around +14%. This is the combined effect of a positive performance both on the exports and domestic markets, driven in particular by Poland, but also thanks to the recovery in traditional manufacturing countries (eg. Italy and the UK) and in other New EU members (e.g. Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic). In general, the New EU Members increased faster in the six year time frame.

Abstract of Table of Contents



Production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture in Europe. Values, Units and analysis by country
Future perspectives in the European production and consumption of upholstered furniture to 2019

Business performance of the top upholstered furniture producers in Europe
Top exporters
Profiles of top manufacturers

Type of coverings

  • Fabric, leather and other materials upholstery produced in a group of selected companies

Price ranges
Residential and contract market

  • Upholstered furniture sales for the contract market in a sample of companies

FOCUS ON: Recliner/motion Sofas
Production of recliners Vs stationary sofas

  • Values and volume of recliner sofas produced by country

Top manufacturers

  • Total production in a selection of companies
  • Company profile of main players

Features of the recliner/motion upholstered furniture supply

  • Number of seats
  • Type of mechanisms
  • Additional features in the product portfolio


  • Retail price positioning of a group of selected companies

Top extra-European recliner sofas manufacturers
Top mechanisms suppliers

COUNTRY ANALYSIS (Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom)

  • Basic data: Production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture
  • Top manufacturers *
  • Supply structure analysis by covering material, price range, destination, motion/recliner *

*Provided for major European upholstered furniture manufacturing countries

The study “Sofa market in Europe” analyses the upholstered furniture market in 30 European countries providing data on production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture and an analysis of both the competitive system and the supply structure. Company information and business performances for the top European furniture manufacturers in the sofa segment are included.

The report also provides short term forecasts for upholstered furniture production and consumption.

This edition has broadened for the first time an analysis of the upholstered furniture market to 30 European countries and for the second time, contains a focus on the Recliner sofas industry.

This Report is the result of :

– over 200 direct interviews with leading upholstery companies and key testimonials, conducted both via an online survey and face-to-face interviews.

– processing of macroeconomic and sector statistics from 2012 to 2017, extending also to 2018-2019 forecasts macroeconomic indicators

– analysis of sector documentation from CSIL’s databases, which were created in 1980 and have been updated annually.

– 2018-2019 production and consumption forecasts are the result of CSIL econometric model. Adjustments have been then taken on the basis of the interviews with panel of experts and operators in the segment

The report is structured as follows:

  • An executive summary provides a complete and detailed presentation of the upholstered furniture sector in Europe, looking at market trends and structure and at the competitive system with an independent assessment of the sector’s performance and prospects for the coming years.
  • Chapter I Basic data. Production, consumption and trade, providing an overview of the European upholstered furniture industry and market through updated statistics and through tables, graphs and maps for Europe as a whole and for each country. The data are given both in value and in volume.
  • Chapter II The competitive system for European sofas provides rankings of the top European sofa manufacturers, company shares of total upholstery production, breakdown of company turnover by product specialization, plant location, employees, major European sofa exporters. The chapter also provides detailed profiles of 15 of the top European furniture players.
  • Chapter III European sofa supply offers an analysis of the types of products manufactured by European upholstered furniture manufacturers, with tables and information on the actors operating in each segment: by price range (economic, middle, upper), covering material (leather, fabric, other materials including artificial leather) and destination (residential/contract).
  • Chapter IV The recliner sofa industry in Europe focuses on the motion/recliner upholstered furniture industry in Europe, by estimating the European production in this segment by country and investigating the main characteristics of the supply, type of mechanisms (manual – power), number of seats (sofas – chairs), covering materials, and price. Tables show the main European players’ shares of motion supply, short profiles of the main extra-European manufacturers in the segment are also provided, along with a list of suppliers of recliner mechanisms.
  • Chapter V Analysis by country, a report is provided for each upholstered furniture producing country detailing: country ranking at world and European level, basic segment data 2012-2017, data for production and consumption in value and volume, imports and exports by country and geographical area. For the major European countries, the chapter offers an analysis of the type of products manufactured by European upholstered furniture firms, with tables and information on the actors operating in each segment: price range (economic, middle, upper), covering material (leather, fabric, other materials including artificial leather), destination (residential/contract); the report provides a supply structure analysis (price range, covering material, residential/contract) and motion/stationary distinction and a ranking of the major local sofa manufacturers by upholstered furniture turnover.
  • Annex Directories of the manufacturing companies mentioned provide full contact information for each company mentioned in this Report.

Countries covered: Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom

Europe. Upholstered furniture production, 2017. Million EUR


In 2017, the European upholstered furniture production amounted to around Eur 14.5 billion. Since 2012, the European upholstered furniture production grew by around +14%. This is the combined effect of a positive performance both on the exports and domestic markets, driven in particular by Poland, but also thanks to the recovery in traditional manufacturing countries (eg. Italy and the UK) and in other New EU members (e.g. Romania, Lithuania, Czech Republic). In general, the New EU Members increased faster in the six year time frame.

Abstract of Table of Contents



Production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture in Europe. Values, Units and analysis by country
Future perspectives in the European production and consumption of upholstered furniture to 2019

Business performance of the top upholstered furniture producers in Europe
Top exporters
Profiles of top manufacturers

Type of coverings

  • Fabric, leather and other materials upholstery produced in a group of selected companies

Price ranges
Residential and contract market

  • Upholstered furniture sales for the contract market in a sample of companies

FOCUS ON: Recliner/motion Sofas
Production of recliners Vs stationary sofas

  • Values and volume of recliner sofas produced by country

Top manufacturers

  • Total production in a selection of companies
  • Company profile of main players

Features of the recliner/motion upholstered furniture supply

  • Number of seats
  • Type of mechanisms
  • Additional features in the product portfolio


  • Retail price positioning of a group of selected companies

Top extra-European recliner sofas manufacturers
Top mechanisms suppliers

COUNTRY ANALYSIS (Austria, Belgium-Luxembourg, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom)

  • Basic data: Production, consumption, imports and exports of upholstered furniture
  • Top manufacturers *
  • Supply structure analysis by covering material, price range, destination, motion/recliner *

*Provided for major European upholstered furniture manufacturing countries


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