Gennaio 2013, I Ed. , 85 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S.68
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

The Report The Chinese Contract Market is the result of 200 interviews with key players (Contract Furniture Manufacturers, Design Studios and Builders, Hotel Chains and other relevant Clients) and two years of CSIL research in China, on contract-related topics.

Figures and analysis are described from two different point of views: end user sectors and main products.

End user sectors include Hospitality, Restaurant Industry, Mass and Luxury Retail, Real Estate/Luxury Villas, Airports, Schools/Auditoriums, Arts and Museums, Marine.
Products considered are: Tables/chairs, Bathrooms, Lighting, Office furniture, Beds, Flooring, Glass, Marble, Textiles.

The contract furniture and furnishing market in China is estimated to worth US$ 25,000 million in 2012. This value includes both fixed and mobile parts. Meaning all kind of furniture, textiles, doors, flooring and wall coverings. Lighting fixtures and appliances are also included in the estimate. New construction areas ready for sale were monitored, in 200 towns, in the first half of the year 2012.

Looking at the single segment, the hospitality market is by far the largest, absorbing 22% of total, equal to US$ 5.5 billion. The retail market covers almost the same value and is broken down in Mass and Luxury segments. They are followed by the Real estate/Luxury villas and Restaurants.

The Educational (schools/auditoriums) and the Office segments represent 8% of total respectively (approximately US$ 2.0 billion each). While Airports account for 6% and Arts & Museums and Marine are estimated to worth US$ 1.0 billion each (covering 4% of total respectively).

In terms of products Tables/chairs are the most significant segment with 12% of total, followed by Bathrooms and Lighting. Office furniture, Beds and other furniture follow. Some reference prices on selected products/services are available.

The Report, 80 pages and 20 chapters, is organized in four general sections (Purchasing process, Design studios, Basic data, main Magazines and Fairs), 8 chapters on end user sectors, 8 chapters on main products. Each chapter includes a short description of main players in that field.

In the last two years, CSIL has worked in China on the following topics: Retailing in top 200 towns, Hospitality, Office furniture, Mattresses, Lighting fixtures, Kitchen and Bathroom furniture, Major Appliances, Home furniture.

Aziende selezionate

Appollo, Beijing Jiding, Fulilai Hotel Furniture, Gold Mantis Construction Decoration, Galanz, Haier, Han Ting Hotels, Hon International, Jin Jiang Hotels, JR Design, Jinling Hotel, Kebao, Shanghai Kent Furniture Company, Kingsun Lighting, Little Sheep Restaurants, Matsu, Moershu, Midea, Shenzhen Pinyuan, Slumberland, Sunon, Tongda, Yac Design, Yaming Lighting, Xilinmen

Abstract of Table of Contents

Methodology and introduction
Sector overview

  • China. The contract market by product and segment

Purchasing process

Values in million US$ and % shares for:

  • Hospitality segment, Restaurants, Retail segment, Real estate, Luxury villas, Offices, Educational segment, Arts and Museums, Airports and Marine

Design studios & construction companies


Sales of top manufacturer for:

  • Hotel furniture manufacturers, Office furniture manufacturers, Lighting fixture manufacturers, Kitchen furniture manufacturers, Appliances manufacturers, Bathroom furniture manufacturers, Upholstery manufacturers, Mattress manufacturers

Trade fairs and press

database, in excel format

The Report The Chinese Contract Market is the result of 200 interviews with key players (Contract Furniture Manufacturers, Design Studios and Builders, Hotel Chains and other relevant Clients) and two years of CSIL research in China, on contract-related topics.

Figures and analysis are described from two different point of views: end user sectors and main products.

End user sectors include Hospitality, Restaurant Industry, Mass and Luxury Retail, Real Estate/Luxury Villas, Airports, Schools/Auditoriums, Arts and Museums, Marine.
Products considered are: Tables/chairs, Bathrooms, Lighting, Office furniture, Beds, Flooring, Glass, Marble, Textiles.

The contract furniture and furnishing market in China is estimated to worth US$ 25,000 million in 2012. This value includes both fixed and mobile parts. Meaning all kind of furniture, textiles, doors, flooring and wall coverings. Lighting fixtures and appliances are also included in the estimate. New construction areas ready for sale were monitored, in 200 towns, in the first half of the year 2012.

Looking at the single segment, the hospitality market is by far the largest, absorbing 22% of total, equal to US$ 5.5 billion. The retail market covers almost the same value and is broken down in Mass and Luxury segments. They are followed by the Real estate/Luxury villas and Restaurants.

The Educational (schools/auditoriums) and the Office segments represent 8% of total respectively (approximately US$ 2.0 billion each). While Airports account for 6% and Arts & Museums and Marine are estimated to worth US$ 1.0 billion each (covering 4% of total respectively).

In terms of products Tables/chairs are the most significant segment with 12% of total, followed by Bathrooms and Lighting. Office furniture, Beds and other furniture follow. Some reference prices on selected products/services are available.

The Report, 80 pages and 20 chapters, is organized in four general sections (Purchasing process, Design studios, Basic data, main Magazines and Fairs), 8 chapters on end user sectors, 8 chapters on main products. Each chapter includes a short description of main players in that field.

In the last two years, CSIL has worked in China on the following topics: Retailing in top 200 towns, Hospitality, Office furniture, Mattresses, Lighting fixtures, Kitchen and Bathroom furniture, Major Appliances, Home furniture.

Abstract of Table of Contents

Methodology and introduction
Sector overview

  • China. The contract market by product and segment

Purchasing process

Values in million US$ and % shares for:

  • Hospitality segment, Restaurants, Retail segment, Real estate, Luxury villas, Offices, Educational segment, Arts and Museums, Airports and Marine

Design studios & construction companies


Sales of top manufacturer for:

  • Hotel furniture manufacturers, Office furniture manufacturers, Lighting fixture manufacturers, Kitchen furniture manufacturers, Appliances manufacturers, Bathroom furniture manufacturers, Upholstery manufacturers, Mattress manufacturers

Trade fairs and press

database, in excel format


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