Il mercato italiano degli arredi per esterno (Italian)

Esterni | Marzo 2010


Marzo 2010, Ed. , 103 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: Italian

Codice report: IT.28
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

The production of outdoor furniture in the Italian market accounted for Eur 450 million in 2009. 65% of the Italian operators manufacture and retail tables, chairs and garden benches, the business of outdoor wooden structures (i.e gazebo) and of garden umbrellas is also significant. About 35% of sales are made via the contract channel, which has shown upward trends in the last three years.

CSIL market research on The Italian market for outdoor furniture offers a comprehensive picture of the outdoor furniture industry in Italy, providing trends and basic data (production and consumption, imports and exports) of this industry.

The report gives an overview of the Italian Outdoor furniture competitive system with major industry players information such as employees and segment of reference (garden chairs-tables-benches, outdoor structures, garden umbrellas).

A breakdown of outdoor production by material (teak, wood, natural fibres, plastic and resin, steel and metal, aluminium, synthetic fibres) and by distribution channel (residential, contract) is also available.

Short profiles of the main outdoor furniture manufacturers and distributors are provided. Data on leading industry companies and their turnover are given.

Addresses of about 300 outdoor furniture manufacturers and distributors are also included.

Products covered include: seats, tables, benches, sun-beds, armchairs, sofa, accessories etc.

Product destination: household and contract segment including hotels, restaurants, bars, cafés, communities.

Aziende selezionate

Alce, Alias, Alutec, Amat, Aquilani, Arper, B&B, Blachere, Brico, Cantori, Coin, Dedon, Eglo, Emu, Foppa Pedretti, Gandia Blasco, Garpa, Gervasoni, Gloster, Grand Soleil, Grange, Green design, Greenline, Grossfillex, Guercio, Gunther, Hugonet, iGuzzini, Ikea, Immagine Luce, Indecisa, Kettal Group, Kettler, Lambert, Le Cedre Rouge, Legnoluce, Luminal Park, Mariano, Mercatone Uno, Nardi Garden, OBI, Pircher, Progarden, Rausch, Reflex, Roberti Rattan, Roche Bobois, Roda, Royal Arrow, Royal Botania, Scab, Scancom, Semeraro, Sifas, Simes, Sunbrella, Teak Park Line, Tectona, Torelli, Triconfort, Uno Più, Verdina, Viviverde

Executive summary

Introduction and methodology

  • The furniture sector: production and consumption, the contract furniture sector
  • Macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation, household’s private consumption expenditure

Basic data

  • Production, consumption, trade (including areas of origin/destination of imports/exports)

The supply structure

  • Number of operators broken down by segment (outdoor tables, chairs, benches; garden umbrellas; outdoor structures)
  • The main manufacturers
    – number of employees
    – quota in the outdoor furniture business
    – material used (teak, wood, natural fibres, plastic and resin, steel and metal, aluminium, synthetic fibres)

Distribution channels (residential, contract)

  • Department stores (furniture sales, outdoor furniture availability)
  • DIY
    – Short profiles for the main operators

The competitive system

  • Sales and market shares, segment of reference (wood, resin-plastic, metal, home, outdoor structures)

The production of outdoor furniture in the Italian market accounted for Eur 450 million in 2009. 65% of the Italian operators manufacture and retail tables, chairs and garden benches, the business of outdoor wooden structures (i.e gazebo) and of garden umbrellas is also significant. About 35% of sales are made via the contract channel, which has shown upward trends in the last three years.

CSIL market research on The Italian market for outdoor furniture offers a comprehensive picture of the outdoor furniture industry in Italy, providing trends and basic data (production and consumption, imports and exports) of this industry.

The report gives an overview of the Italian Outdoor furniture competitive system with major industry players information such as employees and segment of reference (garden chairs-tables-benches, outdoor structures, garden umbrellas).

A breakdown of outdoor production by material (teak, wood, natural fibres, plastic and resin, steel and metal, aluminium, synthetic fibres) and by distribution channel (residential, contract) is also available.

Short profiles of the main outdoor furniture manufacturers and distributors are provided. Data on leading industry companies and their turnover are given.

Addresses of about 300 outdoor furniture manufacturers and distributors are also included.

Products covered include: seats, tables, benches, sun-beds, armchairs, sofa, accessories etc.

Product destination: household and contract segment including hotels, restaurants, bars, cafés, communities.

Executive summary

Introduction and methodology

  • The furniture sector: production and consumption, the contract furniture sector
  • Macroeconomic indicators: GDP, inflation, household’s private consumption expenditure

Basic data

  • Production, consumption, trade (including areas of origin/destination of imports/exports)

The supply structure

  • Number of operators broken down by segment (outdoor tables, chairs, benches; garden umbrellas; outdoor structures)
  • The main manufacturers
    – number of employees
    – quota in the outdoor furniture business
    – material used (teak, wood, natural fibres, plastic and resin, steel and metal, aluminium, synthetic fibres)

Distribution channels (residential, contract)

  • Department stores (furniture sales, outdoor furniture availability)
  • DIY
    – Short profiles for the main operators

The competitive system

  • Sales and market shares, segment of reference (wood, resin-plastic, metal, home, outdoor structures)



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Report associato lighting 1

Lorem ipsum 1

Report associato lighting 2

Report associato lighting 2

