Luglio 2017,
III Ed. ,
84 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English
Codice report: S66
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download
Indici dei contenuti
Please note: up-to-date data for The office furniture market in China and for the whole Asia Pacific area are available in the report The office furniture market in Asia Pacific and China. Country analysis in the study is provided for Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan (China), Thailand, Vietnam, with a special focus on China.
CSIL Market Research The office furniture market in China studies the size of the office furniture market, historical trends in office furniture production and consumption, imports and exports.
The report is enriched by an in-depth analysis of the competitive system in terms of company size, manufacturing locations and product breakdown.
Figures for sales and estimates of market shares for the leading office furniture manufacturers operating in China are also available (total office furniture production and segments: seating, operative desks, executive furniture, storage, wall-to-wall units).
Short profiles of the top office furniture manufacturers are also available.
Office furniture production is reported by segment (office seating, operative desks, executive furniture, office storage, wall-to-wall units). The analysis of supply includes product sub-segments (i.e. chairs by type, office desks by type) and materials used. The figures are given for a medium term time span (2010-2016) giving an indication of the market trend.
Office furniture imports and exports are broken down by country and geographical area of origin/destination.
A focus on the domestic market includes average prices declared by companies during the survey, sales by region and by main customers (public sector, foreign multinationals, medium and large private companies, small private companies, independent white collars, banking/insurance).
Data on the distribution system are also provided, with sales broken down by distribution channel and kind of customer.
An analysis of price levels is included, with a particular focus on office swivel chairs where brand positioning is given on the basis of the number of units manufactured by single company and the average price.
An analysis of the market potential focuses on the construction sector, the richest Chinese cities, luxury retail locations, trends in the hospitality sector and the commercial lighting fixtures segment.
Over 100 addresses of key operators are included. The study was carried out via direct interviews with more than 120 sector firms and distributors operating on the Chinese market.
Aziende selezionate
Aurora, Botai, C R Logic, Changjiang, Dious, Headway, Henglin Chair, Herman Miller, Hongye, Jongtay-Paiger, Kinwai, Kuo Ching, Lamex, Qianglong, Quama, Saosen, Sijin, Steelcase Asia Pacific, Sunon, UE Furniture, Victory Office Systems
THE SAMPLE. Number of companies
With a total production value of US$ 14.8 billion in 2016, increasing by 12% on average over the last decade, China is the leading office furniture manufacturer at a world level. Furthermore, China, whose share of exports increased from 18% in 2007 to 38% in 2016 (US$ 3.7 billion) is also the major world exporter and the main supplier to the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Japan.
The industrial structure in China is highly fragmented as the majority of office furniture manufacturers are small and medium-sized companies. The largest 100 players in terms of turnover account for less than 40% of total production.
The increasing pressure due to higher operational costs is forcing some smaller players to close down. At the low-end of the market China is experiencing competition from other Asian countries and from North American brands.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Research field and methodology
The sample
Production, consumption, exports and imports over the period 2011-2016 Values in USD and RMB
Sector peculiarities
- Total sales of office furniture for the top 10 manufacturers, 2016. Million USD and % market shares
- Office furniture consumption forecast
Manufacturing presence
- Anji Chair District
Market shares
Sales by product
- Office seating, Operative desks, Executive furntiure, Filing cabinets and storage, Wall-to-wall units and Partitions
Sales by region and market shares
Customer segmentation and distribution channels
China top office furniture exporter worldwide
- China. Top ten markets for office furniture exports. Chinese export activity and penetration.
Please note: up-to-date data for The office furniture market in China and for the whole Asia Pacific area are available in the report The office furniture market in Asia Pacific and China. Country analysis in the study is provided for Australia, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Taiwan (China), Thailand, Vietnam, with a special focus on China.
CSIL Market Research The office furniture market in China studies the size of the office furniture market, historical trends in office furniture production and consumption, imports and exports.
The report is enriched by an in-depth analysis of the competitive system in terms of company size, manufacturing locations and product breakdown.
Figures for sales and estimates of market shares for the leading office furniture manufacturers operating in China are also available (total office furniture production and segments: seating, operative desks, executive furniture, storage, wall-to-wall units).
Short profiles of the top office furniture manufacturers are also available.
Office furniture production is reported by segment (office seating, operative desks, executive furniture, office storage, wall-to-wall units). The analysis of supply includes product sub-segments (i.e. chairs by type, office desks by type) and materials used. The figures are given for a medium term time span (2010-2016) giving an indication of the market trend.
Office furniture imports and exports are broken down by country and geographical area of origin/destination.
A focus on the domestic market includes average prices declared by companies during the survey, sales by region and by main customers (public sector, foreign multinationals, medium and large private companies, small private companies, independent white collars, banking/insurance).
Data on the distribution system are also provided, with sales broken down by distribution channel and kind of customer.
An analysis of price levels is included, with a particular focus on office swivel chairs where brand positioning is given on the basis of the number of units manufactured by single company and the average price.
An analysis of the market potential focuses on the construction sector, the richest Chinese cities, luxury retail locations, trends in the hospitality sector and the commercial lighting fixtures segment.
Over 100 addresses of key operators are included. The study was carried out via direct interviews with more than 120 sector firms and distributors operating on the Chinese market.
THE SAMPLE. Number of companies
With a total production value of US$ 14.8 billion in 2016, increasing by 12% on average over the last decade, China is the leading office furniture manufacturer at a world level. Furthermore, China, whose share of exports increased from 18% in 2007 to 38% in 2016 (US$ 3.7 billion) is also the major world exporter and the main supplier to the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom and Japan.
The industrial structure in China is highly fragmented as the majority of office furniture manufacturers are small and medium-sized companies. The largest 100 players in terms of turnover account for less than 40% of total production.
The increasing pressure due to higher operational costs is forcing some smaller players to close down. At the low-end of the market China is experiencing competition from other Asian countries and from North American brands.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Research field and methodology
The sample
Production, consumption, exports and imports over the period 2011-2016 Values in USD and RMB
Sector peculiarities
- Total sales of office furniture for the top 10 manufacturers, 2016. Million USD and % market shares
- Office furniture consumption forecast
Manufacturing presence
- Anji Chair District
Market shares
Sales by product
- Office seating, Operative desks, Executive furntiure, Filing cabinets and storage, Wall-to-wall units and Partitions
Sales by region and market shares
Customer segmentation and distribution channels
China top office furniture exporter worldwide
- China. Top ten markets for office furniture exports. Chinese export activity and penetration.
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