Ottobre 2017,
I Ed. ,
29 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English
Codice report: IT41
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download
Indici dei contenuti
This report analyses the the parasol market in Italy, and its competitive system.
The estimated size of the parasol market and its development over the last five years are presented.
The share of imports out of total consumption and its evolution over time is also shown.
The report comprises an analysis of the distribution channels on the Italian parasol market, including an estimate of their market shares. Estimates of the size of the different market ranges (low, middle-low, middle, middle-upper and high-end) are also provided.
A complete picture of the competitive arena is provided, with estimated market shares for over 30 top market players, including Italian and foreign manufacturers specialising in parasols, outdoor furniture companies that also provide parasols and importers.
The contract market is discussed and an estimate of its weight on the total market is provided.
The report also shows key product trends.
Aziende selezionate
Armagi, Bizzotto, Cosma, Dedon, Emu, Ethimo, Extremis, FIM, Fischer Moebel, Gandia Blasco, Glatz, Greenline, Guidetti, Il Giardino di Legno, Maffei, Manutti, Moia, Nuovo Ombrellificio Romano, Ombrelificio Silvia, Ombrellificio Ciompi, Ombrellificio Crema, Ombrellificio Magnani, Ombrellificio Poggesi, Ombrellificio Toscano, Ombrellificio Veneto, Ramberti, Royal Botania, Scolaro, Spillantini, Symo, Tessitura Fabbri, Talenti, Tessitura Selva, Tuuci, Umbrosa, Unopiù, Zucchelli
Breakdown of the Italian parasols market by market segment, in value, 2016. %
Overall the contract market accounts for 56% of the total value of the parasol market in Italy. The share of the residential market would be much higher if we considered the market in volume. About 40% of the parasol contract market is claimed by the beach establishments sub-segment.
As regards the dynamics of the contract and residential market, the contract market is currently the better performer, especially if we focus on the middle-to-high ranges. Within the contract segment the demand for parasols from beach establishments has declined over recent years, but the demand for parasols for hotels, bars and restaurants has increased and led to an overall increase in the contract segment.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Methodological notes
Executive summary
Market Size and development
Import flows
Product prices
Market breakdown
Selection of brands by main market range
Competitive system and top players
Market shares
Characteristics of different types of market players in Italy
Focus on selected market players
Sales by market: contract and residential
Size of the contract and residential segments
Contract segments characteristics
The residential segment
Sales by distribution channels
Product trends
This report analyses the the parasol market in Italy, and its competitive system.
The estimated size of the parasol market and its development over the last five years are presented.
The share of imports out of total consumption and its evolution over time is also shown.
The report comprises an analysis of the distribution channels on the Italian parasol market, including an estimate of their market shares. Estimates of the size of the different market ranges (low, middle-low, middle, middle-upper and high-end) are also provided.
A complete picture of the competitive arena is provided, with estimated market shares for over 30 top market players, including Italian and foreign manufacturers specialising in parasols, outdoor furniture companies that also provide parasols and importers.
The contract market is discussed and an estimate of its weight on the total market is provided.
The report also shows key product trends.
Breakdown of the Italian parasols market by market segment, in value, 2016. %
Overall the contract market accounts for 56% of the total value of the parasol market in Italy. The share of the residential market would be much higher if we considered the market in volume. About 40% of the parasol contract market is claimed by the beach establishments sub-segment.
As regards the dynamics of the contract and residential market, the contract market is currently the better performer, especially if we focus on the middle-to-high ranges. Within the contract segment the demand for parasols from beach establishments has declined over recent years, but the demand for parasols for hotels, bars and restaurants has increased and led to an overall increase in the contract segment.
Abstract of Table of Contents
Methodological notes
Executive summary
Market Size and development
Import flows
Product prices
Market breakdown
Selection of brands by main market range
Competitive system and top players
Market shares
Characteristics of different types of market players in Italy
Focus on selected market players
Sales by market: contract and residential
Size of the contract and residential segments
Contract segments characteristics
The residential segment
Sales by distribution channels
Product trends
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