China: yearly survey on 200 major cities – retailing database

Distribuzione e eCommerce | Febbraio 2012


Febbraio 2012, I Ed. , 56 pagine
Prezzo (licenza per singolo utente): EUR 2000 / USD 2120
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S.70
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

The CSIL report China: yearly survey on 200 major cities. – Retailing database provides an overview of demand drivers for doing business in China: demographics, revenues, real estate investments in the major 200 cities country wide.

The report is based on macroeconomic statistical data and direct interviews with a sample of “companies to watch”.

This new CSIL market research is a useful tool in order to decide where to open your next showroom, to map your competitive system, more in general to empower your distribution network.

Demand drivers are listed by Province for the top 200 towns

Provinces considered are:

  • East: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong ;
  • Inland: Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang
  • North: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi
  • North East: Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang
  • South: Hunan, Guangdong, Guanxi, Hainan
  • North West and Center: Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi
  • South West: Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan

A useful list of “companies to watch” is provided for different segments (kitchen, furniture, upholstery, furniture retailing, real estate, flooring, bathroom products).

The report includes also an excel database.

Top Chinese 200 towns register a population of over 1 billion people, that is two thirds of the total Chinese population. While the total population is going to stop its growth, population in the top 200 towns increased by 16% during the last couple of years.
Revenues increased by over 40% in two years in seven among the 30 Provinces and Metropolitan Areas.
Construction area in the 200 selected towns amounts to around 1.2 billion square meters, 720,000 square meters more in comparison with two years ago (+6%).
70% of the new construction area (almost one billion square meters) is now ready for sale. Figures about new construction areas for Residential/Villas/Office/Retail are provided separately, for each Province and for all the 200 towns.
National leaders for different businesses include Xinyuan, Vanke, Wanda (real estate), Vatti, Dacheng (kitchen), Kuka, Zuoyou (upholstery), Quanyou, Qumei (office), RedStar, Kinhom (retail), Appollo (bathroom), Shiyou (flooring).

Abstract of Table of Contents

All tables are listed for the top 200 towns, by Province

Methodology and introduction


  • Population in the top 200 towns, by Province

Revenues and revenue per inhabitant
Sales of consumer goods
Retail sales of consumer goods

Building activity
New construction area
New construction area ready for sale
New construction area ready for sale by use: Residential, Apartment/Villas, Office, Commercial
Key Players
Most frequent quoted players. Frequence on 200 towns sample

  • Kitchen furniture players
  • Upholstered furniture players
  • Furniture players
  • Main real estate players
  • Main furniture retailer
  • Major players for bathroom furniture and related activities
  • Major players for flooring

Annexed: Statistical database, in excel format

The CSIL report China: yearly survey on 200 major cities. – Retailing database provides an overview of demand drivers for doing business in China: demographics, revenues, real estate investments in the major 200 cities country wide.

The report is based on macroeconomic statistical data and direct interviews with a sample of “companies to watch”.

This new CSIL market research is a useful tool in order to decide where to open your next showroom, to map your competitive system, more in general to empower your distribution network.

Demand drivers are listed by Province for the top 200 towns

Provinces considered are:

  • East: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong ;
  • Inland: Gansu, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang
  • North: Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi
  • North East: Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang
  • South: Hunan, Guangdong, Guanxi, Hainan
  • North West and Center: Anhui, Hubei, Henan, Shaanxi
  • South West: Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan

A useful list of “companies to watch” is provided for different segments (kitchen, furniture, upholstery, furniture retailing, real estate, flooring, bathroom products).

The report includes also an excel database.

Top Chinese 200 towns register a population of over 1 billion people, that is two thirds of the total Chinese population. While the total population is going to stop its growth, population in the top 200 towns increased by 16% during the last couple of years.
Revenues increased by over 40% in two years in seven among the 30 Provinces and Metropolitan Areas.
Construction area in the 200 selected towns amounts to around 1.2 billion square meters, 720,000 square meters more in comparison with two years ago (+6%).
70% of the new construction area (almost one billion square meters) is now ready for sale. Figures about new construction areas for Residential/Villas/Office/Retail are provided separately, for each Province and for all the 200 towns.
National leaders for different businesses include Xinyuan, Vanke, Wanda (real estate), Vatti, Dacheng (kitchen), Kuka, Zuoyou (upholstery), Quanyou, Qumei (office), RedStar, Kinhom (retail), Appollo (bathroom), Shiyou (flooring).

Abstract of Table of Contents

All tables are listed for the top 200 towns, by Province

Methodology and introduction


  • Population in the top 200 towns, by Province

Revenues and revenue per inhabitant
Sales of consumer goods
Retail sales of consumer goods

Building activity
New construction area
New construction area ready for sale
New construction area ready for sale by use: Residential, Apartment/Villas, Office, Commercial
Key Players
Most frequent quoted players. Frequence on 200 towns sample

  • Kitchen furniture players
  • Upholstered furniture players
  • Furniture players
  • Main real estate players
  • Main furniture retailer
  • Major players for bathroom furniture and related activities
  • Major players for flooring

Annexed: Statistical database, in excel format


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