Giugno 2011, I Ed. , 105 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S59
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

The first edition of the report Furniture Distribution in China offers an accurate comprehensive picture of the Chinese furniture and furnishings market, providing 2006-2010 trends (in value) of furniture production and consumption, imports and exports. Furniture consumption breakdown by segment and price ranges for the year 2010 (in value and in volume) is also included. Distribution channels, Mark up and Reference Prices of the Chinese furniture market are further considered.

The research includes also a Sector Analysis providing basic data on production, consumption, exports, imports and top companies of the following segment: Kitchen furniture, Bedroom furniture, Upholstered furniture, Office furniture and Hospitality furniture.

A deepening on the wealth distribution in China and a focus on Chinese luxury furniture market is also included.

The analysis of furniture distribution channels includes furniture specialist distributors, non specialist distributors and contract projects and covers: Owned stores, Franchising, Monobrand, Furniture chains, Furniture cities and Furniture streets, DIY and Electronics.

Short profiles of the main distributors operating on the Chinese furniture market are also available.

A description of the main distribution and consumption differences by Chinese province and sales distribution by province in a sample of companies are also provided. The provinces considered are: South, South-West, East, North, North-East, North-West, and Central.

An analysis of the Chinese furniture market includes: Demand Drivers (macroeconomic indicators, population distribution and construction market) and of the latest Product Trends among Chinese consumers.

Addresses of around 350 Chinese furniture manufacturers and retailers are also included and other 50 key contacts among fairs, magazines, architects and other sector consultants.

Among the considered products: Living and dining furniture, Upholstery, Bedrooms, Children bedrooms, Home tables and chairs, Mattresses, Kitchen furniture, Other occasional furniture, Bathroom furniture, Office furniture, Other non residential furniture, Residential lighting and Hotel furniture.

Aziende selezionate

Armani Casa, Armourcoat, Asig Design, Asis Design, Aureole, Beijing Furton, Bobocean, Bulthaup, Chengyue, Choisi, Chunzai Design, Como, Cowell, Dayazhai, Da Vinci, DC Design, Dickson, E&M, Fendi Casa, Flink, Formica, Forwaro, Fudebao, FuLong, GaoHua, Gwen Design, Home Classic, Honland, Huafeng, Huayi, Ji & C, Jiali, Joyce World, Kinetic, Kokai Studios, Kuka Technics, Lacquercraft, Landbond, Luxman, Maratti, Markor, MaxMarko, Maxxa, Muse, Poltrona Frau, Quanyou, Qumei, Rattan Masters, Royal Furniture, Royal Life, Savio Firmino, Saporiti, Shanghai Young Shape, Shing Mark, Siematic, Starcorp, Sunon, Tabu China, Tiancheng, Today, Trinity, Wanyou, Welldone, Welon, Xilinmen, Yayihua, Zhejiang Lihao Furniture

China. Furniture sales breakdown by distribution channel in a sample of companies, 2010. Percentage values

Furniture sales breakdown,

The Chinese furniture and furnishings market amounted to US$ 109 billion in 2010, corresponding in units to hundreds million units for the most common items (living and dining furniture, occasional furniture) and to millions of items for more added value products (kitchen and bathroom furniture, office furniture).
China’s furniture import value reached US$ 1.5 billion in 2010, recording a 38% year-on-year increase. Just 1% of the total consumption, but more than enough to allow 100 international companies to sell on average 15-20 million US$ (or 1.5-2.0 million for 1000 international exporters….).

Abstract of Table of Contents

Furniture production, consumption, exports and imports over the period 2007-2010
Furniture consumption in value and in volume 2010
Consumption breakdown by segment and price range 2010

Production consumption, imports and leading operators of the following segment: Kitchen furniture, Bedroom furniture, Upholstered furniture, Office furniture and Hospitality furniture.

Wealth Distribution (Focus on the luxury segment),
Chinese distribution channels for domestic products
Chinese distribution channel for foreign products
Retail formats: Owned stores, franchising, monobrand, Furniture chains, Furniture streets and furniture towns, DIY and Electronics Mark-up and reference prices
Short profile of the leading furniture chains operating in China
Short profile of some important independent retailers and manufacturers’ owned stores
Short profile of the leading DIY and supermarkets
Short profile of the leading Electronics/appliances stores
Distribution by Province: South, South-West, East, North, North-East, North-West, Central and Target Cities

Leading architects and interior design studios
Software houses

Construction market
Product trends

APPENDIX I List of furniture manufacturers

APPENDIX II List of furniture retailers

APPENDIX III List of architectural studios

APPENDIX IV List of fairs, magazines, institutions and other sector consultants

The first edition of the report Furniture Distribution in China offers an accurate comprehensive picture of the Chinese furniture and furnishings market, providing 2006-2010 trends (in value) of furniture production and consumption, imports and exports. Furniture consumption breakdown by segment and price ranges for the year 2010 (in value and in volume) is also included. Distribution channels, Mark up and Reference Prices of the Chinese furniture market are further considered.

The research includes also a Sector Analysis providing basic data on production, consumption, exports, imports and top companies of the following segment: Kitchen furniture, Bedroom furniture, Upholstered furniture, Office furniture and Hospitality furniture.

A deepening on the wealth distribution in China and a focus on Chinese luxury furniture market is also included.

The analysis of furniture distribution channels includes furniture specialist distributors, non specialist distributors and contract projects and covers: Owned stores, Franchising, Monobrand, Furniture chains, Furniture cities and Furniture streets, DIY and Electronics.

Short profiles of the main distributors operating on the Chinese furniture market are also available.

A description of the main distribution and consumption differences by Chinese province and sales distribution by province in a sample of companies are also provided. The provinces considered are: South, South-West, East, North, North-East, North-West, and Central.

An analysis of the Chinese furniture market includes: Demand Drivers (macroeconomic indicators, population distribution and construction market) and of the latest Product Trends among Chinese consumers.

Addresses of around 350 Chinese furniture manufacturers and retailers are also included and other 50 key contacts among fairs, magazines, architects and other sector consultants.

Among the considered products: Living and dining furniture, Upholstery, Bedrooms, Children bedrooms, Home tables and chairs, Mattresses, Kitchen furniture, Other occasional furniture, Bathroom furniture, Office furniture, Other non residential furniture, Residential lighting and Hotel furniture.

China. Furniture sales breakdown by distribution channel in a sample of companies, 2010. Percentage values

Furniture sales breakdown,

The Chinese furniture and furnishings market amounted to US$ 109 billion in 2010, corresponding in units to hundreds million units for the most common items (living and dining furniture, occasional furniture) and to millions of items for more added value products (kitchen and bathroom furniture, office furniture).
China’s furniture import value reached US$ 1.5 billion in 2010, recording a 38% year-on-year increase. Just 1% of the total consumption, but more than enough to allow 100 international companies to sell on average 15-20 million US$ (or 1.5-2.0 million for 1000 international exporters….).

Abstract of Table of Contents

Furniture production, consumption, exports and imports over the period 2007-2010
Furniture consumption in value and in volume 2010
Consumption breakdown by segment and price range 2010

Production consumption, imports and leading operators of the following segment: Kitchen furniture, Bedroom furniture, Upholstered furniture, Office furniture and Hospitality furniture.

Wealth Distribution (Focus on the luxury segment),
Chinese distribution channels for domestic products
Chinese distribution channel for foreign products
Retail formats: Owned stores, franchising, monobrand, Furniture chains, Furniture streets and furniture towns, DIY and Electronics Mark-up and reference prices
Short profile of the leading furniture chains operating in China
Short profile of some important independent retailers and manufacturers’ owned stores
Short profile of the leading DIY and supermarkets
Short profile of the leading Electronics/appliances stores
Distribution by Province: South, South-West, East, North, North-East, North-West, Central and Target Cities

Leading architects and interior design studios
Software houses

Construction market
Product trends

APPENDIX I List of furniture manufacturers

APPENDIX II List of furniture retailers

APPENDIX III List of architectural studios

APPENDIX IV List of fairs, magazines, institutions and other sector consultants



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