Kitchen furniture distribution in Spain

Cucina | Distribuzione e eCommerce | Ottobre 2011


Ottobre 2011, I Ed. , 33 pagine
Prezzo (licenza per singolo utente): EUR 500 / USD 530
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S.69
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

This report offers an overview of the kitchen furniture distribution market in Spain, providing basic data and trends in kitchen furniture production and consumption, imports and exports, distribution.

The analysis of kitchen furniture distribution channels covers: building trade and contract, kitchen specialist, furniture independent retailers, furniture chains, e-commerce, buying groups and franchising.

The report offers also reference prices for the leading distributors in Spain.

Short profiles of 18 among the main players in the kitchen furniture industry are available. Addresses of about 85 kitchen furniture distributors, selected trade press and institutional bodies are also included as well as a list of sector fair.

Abstract of Table of Contents

Basic data
Kitchen furniture. Production, international trade and consumption in Europe and Spain

Activity trend
Production, consumption, international trade 2005-2010 and forecast 2011-2012.

3. Trade
Imports and exports xports of kitchen furniture by country and by geographical area, 2005-2010

Distribution channels

  • Monobrand and franchising stores

Kitchen specialists

  • Independent Kitchen Specialists
  • Kitchens and Appliances
  • Kitchen and Bathroom

Furniture stores
Furniture chains
Builders and contract

  • E-commerce

Geographical distribution of the demand
Reference prices

  • Average retail price of a kitchen including built-in appliances in a sample of companies,
    Market shares

Useful contacts

Sector fairs, Press and Istitutional Bodies

This report offers an overview of the kitchen furniture distribution market in Spain, providing basic data and trends in kitchen furniture production and consumption, imports and exports, distribution.

The analysis of kitchen furniture distribution channels covers: building trade and contract, kitchen specialist, furniture independent retailers, furniture chains, e-commerce, buying groups and franchising.

The report offers also reference prices for the leading distributors in Spain.

Short profiles of 18 among the main players in the kitchen furniture industry are available. Addresses of about 85 kitchen furniture distributors, selected trade press and institutional bodies are also included as well as a list of sector fair.

Abstract of Table of Contents

Basic data
Kitchen furniture. Production, international trade and consumption in Europe and Spain

Activity trend
Production, consumption, international trade 2005-2010 and forecast 2011-2012.

3. Trade
Imports and exports xports of kitchen furniture by country and by geographical area, 2005-2010

Distribution channels

  • Monobrand and franchising stores

Kitchen specialists

  • Independent Kitchen Specialists
  • Kitchens and Appliances
  • Kitchen and Bathroom

Furniture stores
Furniture chains
Builders and contract

  • E-commerce

Geographical distribution of the demand
Reference prices

  • Average retail price of a kitchen including built-in appliances in a sample of companies,
    Market shares

Useful contacts

Sector fairs, Press and Istitutional Bodies


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