The kitchen furniture market in Brazil

Il mercato dei mobili per cucina in Brasile

Cucina | Ottobre 2018


Ottobre 2018, I Ed. , 39 pagine
Contattateci per licenze corporate e multiuser
Lingua: English

Codice report: S63
Editore: CSIL
Status: available for online purchase and immediate download

Indici dei contenuti

CSIL Market Research Report The kitchen furniture market in Brazil provides an analysis of the kitchen furniture production and consumption, imports and exports in Brazil, in values and in quantities, with data and figures on the activity trend and forecasts for the next two years.

Import and export data are shown by country and by geographical area of origin/destination.

An estimate of the breakdown of the kitchen furniture market in Brazil by cabinet door material and colour is included.

An overview on the kitchen furniture distribution system in Brazil is offered, including the following channels: furniture and kitchen furniture stores, furniture and appliance chains, monobrand and franchising stores, DIY and Contract segments.

The Report shows also an overview of the main market drivers (Population and other economic indicators, GDP, total investments, inflation and unemployment rate up to 2022).

Information on the competitive system include sales data and market shares of 50 among the top kitchen furniture manufacturers in Brazil, as well as short company profiles. Six different price segments are analyzed.

Website for a sample of 20 Brazilian manufacturers of kitchen furniture is also provided.

Aziende selezionate

Acorp, Albatroz, Aramoveis, Berlim, Bentec, Bertolini, Bontempo, Colormax, Cook, Cozimax,Cozinart,Dada, Daico, Dellanno, Ditalia, D’Silva, Durart, Estrela Moveis, Evviva, Favo, Florense,Henn, Imobal,Itatiaia, Kappersberg, Kitchens, Kit’s Paranà, Lacca, Leicht, Luciane, Mademoveis, Millennium, Mobler, Neuman, Nicioli, Notavel, Ornare, Pagani, Palmeira, Paludetto, Piramide, Poliform, Politorno, Requipe Cozinhas, Rudnick, SCA, SD, Segatto, Skema, Telasul, Todeschini, Unica, Varanda, Valcucine.

Population of the top 15 urban agglomerations in Brazil with 300,000 or more in 2018, 2017-2020-2030-2035. Thousands


In Brazil, the kitchen furniture production is mainly concentrated in the industrial furniture clusters of the Southern and the South-Eastern States, such as: Bento Gonçalves (RS), Interior of São Paulo (SP), Arapongas (PR), City of São Paulo and Metropolitan Area (SP), Ubá (MG), Curitiba (PR), São Bento do Sul (SC), Lagoa Vermelha (RS) and Rio de Janeiro and Metropolitan Area (RJ). The production of kitchen furniture in Brazil increased in 2017 and a further growth is expected during 2018 and 2019.
Among the major distributors in the large retail sector, we can mention Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio, Magazine Luiza, Lojas Cem, Ricardo Eletro, Marabraz and Lojas Colombo.
The kitchen furniture market in Brazil shows a mixed composition with large brands coexisting with small brands. Itatiaia, Todeschini, Evviva, Florense, Nicioli, Henn, Unica, Kappesberg, Politorno, Notável and Kit’s Paraná are among the main players. Top 50 manufacturers, according to CSIL estimates, hold around two thirds of the Brazilian market for kitchen furniture in value.

Abstract of Table of Contents

The kitchen furniture sector in Brazil at a glance. Main data and figures
The kitchen furniture sector in Brazil, basic data 2010-2017 in values and quantities
Furniture production in Brazil by product line (1,000 items), 2013-2017

Brazil. Export and import of kitchen furniture, by country and by geographical area of destination/origin, 2012-2017

Population in Brazil and other economic indicators of the country
GDP, total investments, inflation and unemployment rate n Brazil, trend 2010-2017 end forecasts 2018-2022
Population of the top 50 urban agglomerations in Brazil with 300,000 or more in 2018, 2017-2030
Main manufacturing clusters: an analysis of supply at the territorial level

Furniture and kitchen furniture stores
Furniture and appliance chains
DIY segment
Purchasing process
Kitchen furniture market in Brazil. Estimated market shares by cabinet door material and colour
Built-in appliances

The kitchen furniture market in Brazil: top 50 players. Sales data and market shares
Low and middle-low end segments ; Middle and middle-upper end segment ; Upper and luxury end segment: Main players, sales data and market shares for each price segment, short company profiles

CSIL Market Research Report The kitchen furniture market in Brazil provides an analysis of the kitchen furniture production and consumption, imports and exports in Brazil, in values and in quantities, with data and figures on the activity trend and forecasts for the next two years.

Import and export data are shown by country and by geographical area of origin/destination.

An estimate of the breakdown of the kitchen furniture market in Brazil by cabinet door material and colour is included.

An overview on the kitchen furniture distribution system in Brazil is offered, including the following channels: furniture and kitchen furniture stores, furniture and appliance chains, monobrand and franchising stores, DIY and Contract segments.

The Report shows also an overview of the main market drivers (Population and other economic indicators, GDP, total investments, inflation and unemployment rate up to 2022).

Information on the competitive system include sales data and market shares of 50 among the top kitchen furniture manufacturers in Brazil, as well as short company profiles. Six different price segments are analyzed.

Website for a sample of 20 Brazilian manufacturers of kitchen furniture is also provided.

Population of the top 15 urban agglomerations in Brazil with 300,000 or more in 2018, 2017-2020-2030-2035. Thousands


In Brazil, the kitchen furniture production is mainly concentrated in the industrial furniture clusters of the Southern and the South-Eastern States, such as: Bento Gonçalves (RS), Interior of São Paulo (SP), Arapongas (PR), City of São Paulo and Metropolitan Area (SP), Ubá (MG), Curitiba (PR), São Bento do Sul (SC), Lagoa Vermelha (RS) and Rio de Janeiro and Metropolitan Area (RJ). The production of kitchen furniture in Brazil increased in 2017 and a further growth is expected during 2018 and 2019.
Among the major distributors in the large retail sector, we can mention Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio, Magazine Luiza, Lojas Cem, Ricardo Eletro, Marabraz and Lojas Colombo.
The kitchen furniture market in Brazil shows a mixed composition with large brands coexisting with small brands. Itatiaia, Todeschini, Evviva, Florense, Nicioli, Henn, Unica, Kappesberg, Politorno, Notável and Kit’s Paraná are among the main players. Top 50 manufacturers, according to CSIL estimates, hold around two thirds of the Brazilian market for kitchen furniture in value.

Abstract of Table of Contents

The kitchen furniture sector in Brazil at a glance. Main data and figures
The kitchen furniture sector in Brazil, basic data 2010-2017 in values and quantities
Furniture production in Brazil by product line (1,000 items), 2013-2017

Brazil. Export and import of kitchen furniture, by country and by geographical area of destination/origin, 2012-2017

Population in Brazil and other economic indicators of the country
GDP, total investments, inflation and unemployment rate n Brazil, trend 2010-2017 end forecasts 2018-2022
Population of the top 50 urban agglomerations in Brazil with 300,000 or more in 2018, 2017-2030
Main manufacturing clusters: an analysis of supply at the territorial level

Furniture and kitchen furniture stores
Furniture and appliance chains
DIY segment
Purchasing process
Kitchen furniture market in Brazil. Estimated market shares by cabinet door material and colour
Built-in appliances

The kitchen furniture market in Brazil: top 50 players. Sales data and market shares
Low and middle-low end segments ; Middle and middle-upper end segment ; Upper and luxury end segment: Main players, sales data and market shares for each price segment, short company profiles



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