October 2024,
VII Ed. ,
180 pages
Price (single user license): EUR 2200 / USD 2288
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Language: English
Report code: W.19
Publisher: CSIL
Status: PDF Format, available for online purchase and immediate download
Table of contents
The CSIL Report ‘The world market for outdoor lighting’, which is now in its 7th edition, offers a full analysis of the outdoor lighting fixtures market worldwide, and it is structured as follows:
Chapter 1. Scenario presents an overview of the outdoor lighting fixtures market worldwide in the period 2019-2023, based on CSIL’s processing of statistics and company data from official sources, both national and international, as well as sector information and field information collected through direct interviews with companies and sector experts.
Through tables and graphs, data on outdoor lighting fixtures consumption at worldwide level as a whole and for 70 considered countries. Ranks of leading companies by market share, sector concentration and relevant M&A operations over the last years are also reported. The chapter closes with outdoor lighting fixtures market evolution forecasts in the period 2024-2026.
Chapter 2. Market Structure offers an estimate of the breakdown of outdoor lighting fixtures consumption in the various regions in the years 2029, 2021 and 2023. Segments considered are: Residential outdoor, Urban Landscape, Christmas Lighting, Streets and major roads, Tunnel, Area lighting. The chapter also provides tables by region reporting a sample of leading companies with breakdown of revenues for the segments mentioned above.
Chapter 3. Outdoor Connected Lighting describes the impact of connected applications on the LED outdoor lighting, showing evolution in 2019, 2021 and 2023. Lighting controls and protocols are reported together with examples of main applications.
Chapter 4. Distribution gives an overview of the main distribution channels for outdoor lighting fixtures showing the breakdown of lighting fixtures sales by distribution channel in a sample of the leading companies worldwide. Channels considered are: Direct sales/Contract, Projects, Lighting specialists, Furniture stores, chains, DIY, Wholesalers, E-commerce.
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. The competitive system analyse sales by application and by geographic area offers an insight into the leading lighting players by the main destination segments and by the main geographic Region. Through detailed tables are shown sales data and market shares of selected lighting companies, short profiles of the main players are also available.
Annex 1. Profitability presents, on a sample of around 80 global companies active in the outdoor lighting sector, an analysis of selected key financial data, main profitability ratios (ROA, ROE, EBIT and EBITDA) and indicators related to the equity and financial structure of the considered sample companies, for the time frame 2019-2023.
Annex 2. Selection of IP patents in the outdoor lighting field.
Annex 3. Directory of companies mentioned provides contact information for the main companies mentioned in this report.
The aggregate ‘World‘ is considered as the 70 monitored countries, which represent almost 100% of global exports of lighting fixtures and around 95% of the world imports, plus an estimation of the market value in the Rest of the World.
The 70 countries were grouped by 6 macro geographic regions, based on the following classification:
- North America: Canada, Mexico and the United States.
- South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela.
- European Union (27) + Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom: Austria, Belgium (including Luxembourg), Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, plus Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
- Other Europe: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine.
- Asia and Pacific; Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Vietnam.
- Middle East and Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates.
Outdoor lighting is analyzed according to the following segments:
- Residential/Consumer lighting (home gardens lighting and architectural lighting for common spaces in residential buildings: step lighting, bollards).
- Urban landscape lighting (architectural lighting for city centres, “city beautification”: parks, façades, squares, monuments).
- Christmas and special Events luminaires.
- Street lighting (pole mounted for streets and major roads, pathways and bikeways).
- Lighting for tunnels and galleries
- Campus/area lighting (sporting plants, stadium, open air parkings, petrol stations, airports).
For each market segment, market size, activity trend and market shares are provided.
Selected companies
AEC Illuminazione, ANP Lighting, Benito Urban, Celsa, Chunil, CU Phosco, Eclatec, Ekaldes, Fonroche Lighting, Fagerhult, Fumagalli, Huati Lighting, Inaba, Lamalif, Ledvance, Ligman, Maruwa, Olivo, Ragni, Rang Dong Light, Rosa, Schréder, Simes, Siteco, Unilumin, US Pole Lighting.
World. Incidence of outdoor lighting on total lighting fixtures market. Percentage share.

Outdoor Lighting accounts for approximately 23% of the global lighting fixtures market and is expected to continue expanding in the coming years. LED technology is becoming increasingly relevant in the lighting sector, particularly within the outdoor segment. Additionally, the expansion of connected and smart lighting is redefining the industry’s competitive landscape.
The largest markets for outdoor lighting are China and the United States, followed by India and Japan. Overall, Europe represents about one-fifth of the global outdoor lighting market.
Among the various categories, street lighting outperforms, holding a share of over 40% of the total outdoor lighting market.
Methodology, Research Tools and Terminology
Executive Summary. The world outdoor lighting sector at a glance
1.1 Market evolution and figures by region and country
1.2 Leading companies in the world and market shares
1.3 Forecasts 2024 – 2026
2. Market structure: The WORLD OUTDOOR LIGHTING by destination segment
2.1 Products and applications by region and country: North America; South America; China; India; Japan, Other Asia and Pacific; Europe; Middle East and Africa
3.1 Connected Luminaires
3.2 Lighting controls and protocols
3.3 Applications
Overview of the world outdoor lighting fixtures distribution
5. Competition by kind of application: sales data and market share
5.1 Total Outdoor Lighting
5.2 Consumer Outdoor Lighting
5.3 Architectural Outdoor Lighting
5.4 Street Lighting
5.5 Christmas Lighting
5.6 Tunnel Lighting
5.7 Area Lighting
6. Competition by geographic region: sales data and market share
6.1 North America
6.2 South America
6.3 Europe: Nordic Countries, Benelux, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, DACH, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Central-Eastern Europe, Türkiye
6.4 Asia and Pacific: China, Japan, India, Other Asia and Pacific Countries
6.5 Middle East and Africa
Profitability. Profitability indicators (ROE, ROCE, ROA, EBIT, EBITDA) in a sample of 80 lighting manufacturers
List of the mentioned lighting companies
The CSIL Report ‘The world market for outdoor lighting’, which is now in its 7th edition, offers a full analysis of the outdoor lighting fixtures market worldwide, and it is structured as follows:
Chapter 1. Scenario presents an overview of the outdoor lighting fixtures market worldwide in the period 2019-2023, based on CSIL’s processing of statistics and company data from official sources, both national and international, as well as sector information and field information collected through direct interviews with companies and sector experts.
Through tables and graphs, data on outdoor lighting fixtures consumption at worldwide level as a whole and for 70 considered countries. Ranks of leading companies by market share, sector concentration and relevant M&A operations over the last years are also reported. The chapter closes with outdoor lighting fixtures market evolution forecasts in the period 2024-2026.
Chapter 2. Market Structure offers an estimate of the breakdown of outdoor lighting fixtures consumption in the various regions in the years 2029, 2021 and 2023. Segments considered are: Residential outdoor, Urban Landscape, Christmas Lighting, Streets and major roads, Tunnel, Area lighting. The chapter also provides tables by region reporting a sample of leading companies with breakdown of revenues for the segments mentioned above.
Chapter 3. Outdoor Connected Lighting describes the impact of connected applications on the LED outdoor lighting, showing evolution in 2019, 2021 and 2023. Lighting controls and protocols are reported together with examples of main applications.
Chapter 4. Distribution gives an overview of the main distribution channels for outdoor lighting fixtures showing the breakdown of lighting fixtures sales by distribution channel in a sample of the leading companies worldwide. Channels considered are: Direct sales/Contract, Projects, Lighting specialists, Furniture stores, chains, DIY, Wholesalers, E-commerce.
Chapter 6 and Chapter 7. The competitive system analyse sales by application and by geographic area offers an insight into the leading lighting players by the main destination segments and by the main geographic Region. Through detailed tables are shown sales data and market shares of selected lighting companies, short profiles of the main players are also available.
Annex 1. Profitability presents, on a sample of around 80 global companies active in the outdoor lighting sector, an analysis of selected key financial data, main profitability ratios (ROA, ROE, EBIT and EBITDA) and indicators related to the equity and financial structure of the considered sample companies, for the time frame 2019-2023.
Annex 2. Selection of IP patents in the outdoor lighting field.
Annex 3. Directory of companies mentioned provides contact information for the main companies mentioned in this report.
The aggregate ‘World‘ is considered as the 70 monitored countries, which represent almost 100% of global exports of lighting fixtures and around 95% of the world imports, plus an estimation of the market value in the Rest of the World.
The 70 countries were grouped by 6 macro geographic regions, based on the following classification:
- North America: Canada, Mexico and the United States.
- South America: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela.
- European Union (27) + Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom: Austria, Belgium (including Luxembourg), Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, plus Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
- Other Europe: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Serbia, Türkiye, Ukraine.
- Asia and Pacific; Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Thailand, Vietnam.
- Middle East and Africa: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates.
Outdoor lighting is analyzed according to the following segments:
- Residential/Consumer lighting (home gardens lighting and architectural lighting for common spaces in residential buildings: step lighting, bollards).
- Urban landscape lighting (architectural lighting for city centres, “city beautification”: parks, façades, squares, monuments).
- Christmas and special Events luminaires.
- Street lighting (pole mounted for streets and major roads, pathways and bikeways).
- Lighting for tunnels and galleries
- Campus/area lighting (sporting plants, stadium, open air parkings, petrol stations, airports).
For each market segment, market size, activity trend and market shares are provided.
World. Incidence of outdoor lighting on total lighting fixtures market. Percentage share.

Outdoor Lighting accounts for approximately 23% of the global lighting fixtures market and is expected to continue expanding in the coming years. LED technology is becoming increasingly relevant in the lighting sector, particularly within the outdoor segment. Additionally, the expansion of connected and smart lighting is redefining the industry’s competitive landscape.
The largest markets for outdoor lighting are China and the United States, followed by India and Japan. Overall, Europe represents about one-fifth of the global outdoor lighting market.
Among the various categories, street lighting outperforms, holding a share of over 40% of the total outdoor lighting market.
Methodology, Research Tools and Terminology
Executive Summary. The world outdoor lighting sector at a glance
1.1 Market evolution and figures by region and country
1.2 Leading companies in the world and market shares
1.3 Forecasts 2024 – 2026
2. Market structure: The WORLD OUTDOOR LIGHTING by destination segment
2.1 Products and applications by region and country: North America; South America; China; India; Japan, Other Asia and Pacific; Europe; Middle East and Africa
3.1 Connected Luminaires
3.2 Lighting controls and protocols
3.3 Applications
Overview of the world outdoor lighting fixtures distribution
5. Competition by kind of application: sales data and market share
5.1 Total Outdoor Lighting
5.2 Consumer Outdoor Lighting
5.3 Architectural Outdoor Lighting
5.4 Street Lighting
5.5 Christmas Lighting
5.6 Tunnel Lighting
5.7 Area Lighting
6. Competition by geographic region: sales data and market share
6.1 North America
6.2 South America
6.3 Europe: Nordic Countries, Benelux, United Kingdom and Ireland, France, DACH, Italy, Spain and Portugal, Central-Eastern Europe, Türkiye
6.4 Asia and Pacific: China, Japan, India, Other Asia and Pacific Countries
6.5 Middle East and Africa
Profitability. Profitability indicators (ROE, ROCE, ROA, EBIT, EBITDA) in a sample of 80 lighting manufacturers
List of the mentioned lighting companies
Lighting: World market outlook for LEDs and Lighting Fixtures
November 2024, XXVII Ed. , 151 pages
This study provides an in-depth analysis of the global lighting industry, highlighting regional dynamics and the main destination segments, with a historical series of basic data (production, consumption, and international trade 2018-2024) for 70 countries and 2025-2027 lighting fixtures market forecasts by geographical area and segment, and information on the leading lighting industry players.
The European market for lighting fixtures
June 2024, XXXIII Ed. , 325 pages
CSIL’s comprehensive Report on the European market for lighting fixtures provides detailed sector statistics such as production, consumption, and international trade for 30 countries, highlighting residential and professional market segments. The study also analyses trends and macroeconomic indicators from 2018-2023 and offers market forecasts for 2024-2026 examining the market structure and new technologies and outlining key distribution channels. It also profiles leading players, with sales data and market shares, and provides financial performances of 120 companies.
The lighting fixtures market in the United States
July 2024, XVIII Ed. , 185 pages
A comprehensive analysis of the lighting fixture industry in the United States, with historical data for production, consumption, and international trade, and market forecasts for 2024, 2025, and 2026. The report goes in-depth into the market structure and highlights residential and professional segments and applications, outlining new smart and connected lighting technologies. It also analyses the performance of the leading companies, with sales figures and market shares, and the distribution system.
The worldwide market for connected lighting
February 2024, I Ed. , 88 pages
This report analyses the global lighting market focusing on LED and connected lighting trends. It provides market forecasts emphasizing the impact of green transition and digital transformation. The study also includes a section on industry competition, estimating sales, and market shares for leading manufacturers.
The European Market for outdoor furniture
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