
CSIL Lighting industry research covers all segments within this sector (residential, commercial, industrial, and outdoor) and monitors 70 countries. Reports in this series offer market scenarios, country outlooks, macroeconomic and business indicators, competitive landscape supply structure, and distribution system analysis.

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Smart cities and flagship stores: lighting fixtures

September 2021, I Ed. , 208 pages

Profiles of 85 cities worldwide (ranked according to their business attractiveness) with a selection of economic and demographic indicators, and estimates and forecasts of the potential market for lighting fixtures. Analysis of the geographical presence of a selected sample of 100 brands, with a focus on lighting outlets


The world market for Horticultural Lighting

September 2021, I Ed. , 80 pages

The Report “The world market for Horticultural Lighting”, at its first edition, aims at better understanding the global market for horticultural lighting, its competitive landscape, and the new opportunities arising from the growth of the agritech business.


The European market for Healthcare Lighting

June 2021, II Ed. , 114 pages

This is the second edition of CSIL Report on the European market for healthcare lighting. The information provided in this report is based on desk analysis and field analysis for two healthcare macro segments and its main products such as hospitals and dental studies, analysis of the activity trend in Europe and medium-term forecasts, an overview of the market drivers (such as demographic changes, healthcare expenditure, hospitals, nursing and residential care facilities, dental practices). It is provided also a market value by destination and by country and a list of the major players and weight on the overall lighting turnover.


The lighting fixtures market in Belgium and Luxembourg

May 2021, I Ed. , 31 pages

Data on production, consumption and international trade for the years 2010-2020 and forecasts for the next four years. Lighting fixtures exports and imports by country and by geographical area of destination/origin. Analysis of the lighting fixtures market by segments (Residential-consumer, architectural-commercial, industrial, outdoor lighting), and by types of products and applications. Overview of the main distribution channels active on the Belgian lighting fixtures market. Competitive system and insight into the leading local and foreign players present on the Belgian lighting fixtures market.


E-Commerce for the Lighting Industry

February 2021, V Ed. , 80 pages

The E-Commerce market for lighting fixtures is estimated to account for about 7% of the world lighting fixtures consumption, corresponding to USD 9.1 billion in 2020 (including both B2C and B2B business), driven for 34% by wholesalers and for 32% by E-tailers. The highest incidence is reported for residential lighting where online sales account for almost 11% of the total market. North America and China are the largest markets in terms e-commerce penetration in the lighting business (with a share of 10% and 8% respectively).


The lighting fixtures market in Russia

December 2020, X Ed. , 117 pages

The Report, now at its tenth edition, provides a full analysis of the lighting fixtures market in Russia, with statistical data of production, consumption, imports and exports, highlighting four core segments: residential/consumer, architectural/commercial, industrial and outdoor lighting, plus an estimate of the Russian market size of lamps and lighting controls. Sales data and market shares of the major local and international players present in each segment, data on the market structure by products and applications, distribution system analysis are also provided.


The lighting fixtures market in India

September 2020, VIII Ed. , 176 pages

The report, now at its eight edition, offers an in-depth analysis of the lighting fixtures market in India, providing estimated data and trends for the years 2014-2019, and forecasts up to 2023. Market structure is analysed by segment (Consumer and Professional lighting, indoor and outdoor), products type, applications, light sources. Competitive system analysis, distribution channels and reference prices are also included. A focus is also given to the potential growth in selected metropolitan areas (2023 forecast)


The lighting fixtures market in Australia and New Zealand

December 2017, III Ed. , 100 pages

The report The lighting fixtures market in Australia and New Zealand offers an in-deep analysis of the lighting fixtures market in Australia (third edition, over 65 pages) and an overview for the New Zealand one (third edition, 30 pages). A breakdown of the lighting fixtures market by segment (residential, architectural, industrial and outdoor) is provided for each country, together with activity trend and international trade data for the period 2011-2016. Sales data and market shares for over 100 local and foreign lighting manufacturers operating in Australia and New Zealand are also included.


The European market for emergency lighting

November 2017, II Ed. , 58 pages

The second edition of the CSIL Report “The European market for emergency lighting” offers an overview of the Emergency Lighting sector in 30 European Countries divided into eight clusters. Data on European production and consumption are provided by country and by geographical area. Activity trend is given as a comparison with 2012 (previous edition of this Report). Emergency lighting fixtures sales and related market shares are provided for the major European and international companies operating in this market by considered countries. Short company profiles are also included. Financial data are showed in terms of turnover growth rate and EBITDA margin for selected companies


The European market for lighting controls and IoT

February 2017, II Ed. , 87 pages

The Report provides figures and trends for the European market for lighting controls, analysing the sector performance, the competitive system, market drivers and major market players, with an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) trends for the lighting market, from wireless controls to Li-Fi technology. Product segmentation included: residential, commercial, industrial and outdoor lighting controls applications. Geographical coverage: 16 West European countries (around 85% of the market value), overview on Central-East Europe, Russia, Middle East and North Africa (15%).


The Lighting Fixtures Market in Saudi Arabia

September 2016, I Ed. , 35 pages

CSIL presents the first edition of “The lighting fixtures market in Saudi Arabia”. This Report provides historical data and forecasts on the lighting fixtures market in Saudi Arabia, highlighting the two main market segments for lighting fixtures, residential lighting and non-residential lighting, and the incidence of LED based lighting fixtures on total lighting consumption. A breakdown of Saudi Arabian lighting fixtures exports and imports is provided by country and by geographical area of destination/origin. The competitive system analyses the main companies present in the Saudi Arabian lighting fixtures market, with data on sales and market shares and short company profiles. An overview of the lighting fixtures distribution system in Saudi Arabia is provided.


The lighting fixtures market in Turkey

January 2016, III Ed. , 93 pages

The Report offers an overview of the lighting fixtures industry in Turkey, providing trends in lighting fixtures production and consumption, imports and exports, distribution and prices for residential, commercial, industrial and outdoor lighting. Sales data and market shares are given for the major lighting companies present on the Turkish market for each segment as well as Short company profiles